
Amsterdam Central Library

Friday 27th June
The best event so far this year in the Central Library Amsterdam took place yesterday.

New guests (multi national) enjoyed various 30 min Dutch subtitled films of Mararaji throughout the three and a half hour event in a very relaxed, environment created by the team, in a glass walled room on the Library's 6th floor.

We received many sincere thanks from people. Two young lady guests stayed for 3 hrs and watched two repeats of "Journey Within" ! All guests came from the "On site" promotion via invitation flyers and posters, except one who came via the local Salto cable tv broadcast.

Circa 500+ Library visitors were handed an invitation outside the building, which included website info.

Countless people stood outside the open doors to take a quick look and a free dvd with info that signposts the Salto tv program and follow up websites.
People left their contact details for invites to local / national events with Maharaji

Wonderful results, thanks to Maharaji and the many people who continue to support these events with: subtitled dvd production, Printwork, Materials, Donations, PR, Set up, Promotion, Guest reception and care, Cable tv and Website support. (a lovely team effort)

Apart from this most encouraging increase in guest numbers, it felt like the best event so far because of the joyful team work (there were ten of us who helped) and exquisite feeling which subsequently saturated the room. (Inspired from our attendance of Maharajis recent events in Europe).

We are having a blast! It is exciting, a lot of fun and an absolute privilege to help out and introduce so many people to Maharaji and his message via this event. It has the potential to reach many thousands of people, not only in Amsterdam, but worldwide!

With thanks

Steve O on behalf of the event team

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