
Something is happening at Camp Hill

May 19th to 23rd was Adult Learners’ Week in the UK. Camp Hill Prison Education department dropped the usual agenda and replaced it with a week of alternative learning activities. Alongside the yoga, a DVD series entitled Words of Peace was shown. The presentations include excerpts from worldwide addresses by Prem Rawat, a respected international voice for peace, who offers a unique perspective on the universal quest for personal peace and fulfilment. Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji, has dedicated his life to spreading his message of peace to the world, and has been speaking to large audiences since the age of eight.

Words of Peace is relatively new to UK prisons. In the USA, the series is broadcast 20 times weekly on the Correctional Educational Association’s TV channel, Transforming Lives Network(TLN) reaching up to 900,000 prisoners and 300,000 correctional staff nationwide. The Words of Peace DVD series is also presented regularly at prisons in New Zealand, Africa, Mexico and Argentina. In Camp Hill, ten sessions took place with an overall attendance of around eighty prisoners. We had a fabulous week. Yoga helps relax mind and body so, by the time the Words of Peace talks began, everyone was really still and focused. Here is a selection of the comments made by prisoners who attended:

“I found the message very positive in helping to promote a more caring and happy existence. More information and sessions would be greatly appreciated. I’m sure this could benefit many people.” (Mark W)

“Very helpful and contributory to promoting peace within the prison system.” (Otto A)

“This man is telling us some very good things about ourselves. I think we all forget who we are, and what he is saying helps to remind us who we are and that we should not forget our true selves.” (Elvis C)

Almost everyone who came to hear Prem Rawat commented on the clarity, sincerity and wisdom of his message and felt it has incredible potential for prisoners.

What Prem Rawat talks about is more than just words. To those with a thirst to know more he offers a self-paced learning process which - ironically for prisons - he calls The Keys. They are a series of DVDs, like a distance learning course, which address the possibility of experiencing inner peace, clarity and personal freedom – a freedom, Prem Rawat says, “which can be felt even in a prison” The Keys help a person develop the skills and understanding for feeling contentment every day. They are best watched at one’s own pace and in one’s own time. The DVDs can be borrowed free of charge by anyone and may soon be available to prisoners in CD format.

I’m hoping that more of these events will happen in Camp Hill and in other UK prisons and feel it’s only a matter of time before many more people will know about Prem Rawat and his wonderful message of hope. What better hope than to live one’s life in dignity and peace, not just surviving but thriving. Prem Rawat insists that this is very possible for every single human being who wants that in their lives.

For a complimentary information pack with written, audio or DVD materials, or to find out more about The Keys, please write with name and prisoner number to: Words of Peace, PO Box 999, Hove BN52 9BT. You will also find Words of Peace materials in many prison libraries. Prison librarians can place orders by emailing feelfreeinside@elanvital.org.uk.

I felt it fitting to end with a poem by Tony Edwards, a prisoner currently serving at Camp Hill. This poem was inspired by the Words of Peace presentations and is getting a lot of hits on youtube:


If Peace fulfills my heart’s desire
While Past and Future both conspire
To harm me and mislead;
If Peace can warm me when I’m cold
And comfort me as I grow old,
Then Peace is all I need.

If Peace can soothe me with her charms
And gently hold me in her arms,
My shelter in the storm;
If Peace can shower me with love
When cloudy skies are up above,
Then Peace can keep me warm.

If Peace can make the darkness bright,
Protect me like a shining knight,
And all my dragons slay;
Then I would be a fool to doubt
That Peace is what it’s all about,
For Peace can light the way.

If Peace will always be my friend,
A friend on whom I can depend
To easy my troubled mind;
If Peace can answer all my prayers
And gently wash away my cares,
Then Peace can save mankind.


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